Friday, October 07, 2005


He had planned his escape for a very long time, even so, he was still unsure when he would be able to take his leave. He chastised himself for being weak when that buxom young woman had asked him to retrieve her family's lost scroll -- she had better be thankful when this is done.

Now, he could not leave, he had no scroll, and he was on the run from the wizard Everath. He did not think he could wait much longer for his friend Postial...


The wizard was finding it extremely difficult to locate his prey, the one they call the Bedouin. Even the finger of Morbin was unable to determine the Bedouin's exact location. How was this Bedouin able to hide from him so well? How had this little worm even known of the scroll?

For a brief moment, he had known where the Bedouin was, and had been able to conjure a rystpin to stop him. The rystpin had not succeeded, and now he was unsure if he would ever be able to accurately locate the Bedouin.

Shortly after the rystpin, there had been a hint of the worm's location. The wizard had a rare seguiad tornado which he quickly released. The tornado was extremely destructive, but did not find its true target. The Bedouin must be running now, so the wizard started looking for a way to slow him down...


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